

Our primary mission is to ensure employees are paid accurately and on time, 正确扣缴和扣除, 并确保预提和扣除按时汇出. This includes salary payments, 税收扣缴s, and deductions from paychecks.

我们与所有的薪酬部门以及人力资源部密切合作, 研究生院, 学生就业办公室, 还有很多其他的办公室. 我们依靠每个部门的工资联系人的协助. 的se contacts serve an important role in providing the information needed for paying and serving all employees of 博彩平台推荐.


  • 考勤表
  • 纳税申报表
  • 工资日期和时间表
  • 其他工资事宜


为了让学生成为大学的雇员, 部门必须提交一份雇佣表格给 学生就业办公室.

为了让教师, 每小时的员工, 或行政人员将被设立为大学的雇员, 一个部门应该联系 人力资源.

Outside vendors and providers of temporary assistance are not paid through payroll, 而是通过应付账款部门. For instructions on outside vendor service compensation, see the policy on check requests.

Tax guidelines are available to help employees be aware of tax regulations 和ir estimated federal and state liabilities. E是联邦税收指南,M是州税收指南. E号表格可于 www.国税局.政府 及通告M可于以下网址下载 www.国税局.政府.

所有员工, 包括国际员工, must submit a W-4 tax form with their paperwork upon registering as an employee. 的 圆满填写完减免证明形式 和 state tax form — M-4 — are available at the 就业办公室. 您也可以下载 圆满填写完减免证明形式M-4形式 并提交给工资办公室.

International students and employees claiming a tax exemption under a tax treaty must submit the 8233 form available at the 就业办公室.  Any taxes withheld prior to receiving treaty benefits cannot be refunded by 博彩平台推荐.  Funds withheld prior to treaty benefits taking effect can be received by filing a tax return with the IRS for the year the funds were withheld.

工资单可通过ClarkYOU在线获取. 有关如何使用电子工资单的说明可在以下网址找到  工资表、日期 & 指令.

所有员工的工资周期是每隔一个星期五. 看到 工资表、日期 & 指令 了解更多信息.

如果指定的发薪日是大学假期,银行关门, 然后在假期前的最后一个工作日发放工资.

Web时间条目(WTE)提交给所有小时工(本科生), 研究生, and non-student employees) should be submitted and approved by noon on the Monday prior to the Friday payday.

的 就业办公室 cannot guarantee processing of your electronic timesheet if it is not submitted by the Monday deadline.

此外, 学生就业办公室 为学生提供包含类似薪资信息的手册.

所有亚洲体育博彩平台员工-研究生都需要直接存款, 本科生, 教师, 工作人员, 和管理.

的 教职工直接存款表 可以在发薪处找到吗. 学生应联络 学生就业办公室.  New employees should submit the form with all original paperwork requested to establish an employee record and to complete the official hiring process. Any changes to existing 直接存款s should be directed to the 就业办公室. It is important that you include a voided check or letter from your bank confirming the routing numbers and bank account information.

的 net amount paid will be available in the employee’s bank account on the Friday payday.

为了更好地遵守劳工部的工资和工时法, 我们为一次性付款设计了一个新的学生雇员表格.  This form will include the hourly rate and number of hours worked to arrive at the total one-time payment to be paid to the student employee.  This will ensure 博彩平台推荐 is meeting the state minimum wage requirement for all employees which is $15.00 /小时. Using this form will still accommodate the desire not to have to do an online timesheet for one-time payments and still record them as hourly employees.

请使用 一份学生工资单及付款申请表.

请注意: New employees of the University are required to complete requisite employment forms (e.g. I-9, W-4, M-4,直接存款等.),然后再提供任何服务.  的 Department of Homeland Security’s I-9 就业 Eligibility Verification form must be completed and signed no later than the f国税局t day of employment and requires two forms of photo identification.  教师和工作人员应联系 人力资源和卓越组织办公室. 学生应联络 学生就业办公室.


博彩平台推荐 is required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to furnish all employees a Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement each calendar year to be used in completing the employee’s annual tax returns. W-2纳税申报表详细说明了雇员的工资, 税收扣缴, 以及历年其他重要的工资信息.

在前几年,雇员收到的是W-2表格的纸质副本. 而不是纸质拷贝, 博彩平台推荐 employees may elect to receive their Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statements electronically in the same way bi-weekly pay stubs are accessed — through CUWeb.

  • 比纸质复印件更早拿到W-2表格.
  • W-2表不可能丢失、被盗、延误或放错地方.
  • 的 Form W-2 is accessed via CUWeb securely using the employee’s Clark credentials (username and password).
  • 从任何互联网连接的全球访问.
  • 员工可以选择在方便的时候打印多个副本.
  • 一旦同意,它就继续有效. 无需每年续订
  • Employee Form W-2 will be available on CUWeb for at least 5 years after its posting date.

的 IRS has approved the distribution of Form W-2 in electronic form in lieu of paper.  发起此请求需要员工的同意. Please read the entirety of this notice and log in to your CUWeb account to provide your consent to receive all future W-2 Wage and Tax Statements exclusively in electronic format or elect to receive a paper version.

An employee’s consent is valid for all subsequent tax years unless revoked by the employee, 员工的终止, 或者不再支持电子交付方式.

当W-2表格寄到CUWeb账户时, an employee will receive notification via his/her Clark email address with the subject line “IMPORTANT TAX RETURN DOCUMENT AVAILABLE.“员工可以在任何一台能上网的电脑上访问表格.

If consent is not provided, the employee will continue to receive a paper Form W-2.  An employee who chooses to receive his/her Form W-2 online can also receive a paper copy of the W-2 by contacting the 就业办公室 at 508-793-7641 or emailing a request to Payroll@4499ku.com.  A request for a paper copy does not withdraw the employee’s consent for electronic delivery of future W-2 statements.

An employee who chooses to receive his/her Form W-2 online can change his/her mind and withdraw consent to online delivery by returning the Online 同意 Form and choosing the “No” option.  员工的撤回同意将于收到之日起生效.  If consent is withdrawn, it will only be effective for those W-2 statements not yet issued.

  • 登入你的中大网页户口. (http://you.4499ku.com/cp/home/displaylogin).
  • 点击主菜单,在CU网页左边的第一项.
  • 点击“就业信息”选项卡.
  • 选择“税务表格”.”
  • 选择“W-2同意”.”
  • Select the “Yes” button to consent to receive your Form W-2 electronically or the “No” button to continue to receive the paper version.
  • 单击屏幕左下方的SUBMIT按钮.

If you have any questions or experience problems please contact the payroll 工作人员 at Payroll@4499ku.com.




  • 星期一至星期五
    9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

    1 – 3 p.m.